A Soul's Salve

Although they were written three months apart this particular poem compliments Chilling in that once again nature is the subject.  I always seem to find  peace and comfort amongst the energy of Mother Earth.

A Soul’s Salve

The gravel crunches noisily, beneath my feet so bold
Along the winding path, through ancient trees of old 
Light glints through the leaves, hanging a canopy overhead
And veering from the pathway, chose another route instead 
Snapping of the twigs, scatter the creatures, large and small
From impending doom that threatens, from each, of my foot falls
I didn’t mean to startle, that truly, was not my aim
or cause you any suffering, on you, I make no claim” 
“I only wish to join you, in the, peace and solitude
whilst meandering, amongst you, and to feel, my heart renewed”
”I promise to be quiet, to give, and not to take
this place that you call home, is salve, for a soul that aches 
So let me walk betwixt you, and feel my heart explode
With love and joy and pleasure, to add to your abode”
© Cheryl Mary Coleman, 2018  Expression #183 16.1.18 – cherylmarycoleman.com
 If you like this poem please feel free to share, as it may just be what someone needs to brighten their day.
If you feel so inclined to leave a comment or feedback, know this I will be extremely grateful, and look forward to connecting with you, thank you.
© Cheryl Mary Coleman 2016-2018,  4theloveofrhyme.blog.spot.com. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cheryl Mary Coleman and 4theloveofrhyme.blog.spot.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
All images on this website are either personal photographs taken by the author, Stock Media with a One-time Use License Agreement created within Canva’s design platform or from Pixabay with individuals duly recognised.
