Grandfather Tree

This poem is about an Australian eucalyptus gum tree that I call Grandfather Tree.  I live but a stones throw away and am greeted each morning by the sun rising through the limbs of this great tree as it peeps over our garden wall.
This magnificent old tree (which must be at least 200 years of age) is all that is left in our immediate area of the Gnangara Forest.   This is being slowly cleared and decimated to allow for homes like ours, which is extremely sad.  The tree is now a focal point of the local park surrounded by a small area of natural bush,  where families gather to play and walk their dogs.
Whilst walking my black Labrador Jet, around the park he darted off into the bush, and so following him under the canopy of the trees arrived at the huge base of Grandfather Tree.  I decided to sit and glancing up the enormous trunk started taking a series of photos.  The longer I stayed the more I was moved by the tranquillity of the place which  inspired me to write this poem as a dedication.  I hope Grandfather Tree gets to ‘be’ for another 200 years.

Grandfather Tree

Oh Grandfather tree as you stand tall
I look to your strength at times when I fall
Your limbs reaching high to capture the sun
I’m sure that you never, feel lonely or glum
The years that you’ve stood not a question in mind
Just lost in the moment whilst moving with time
Such beauty and grace as you quietly hold
The birds in their nests whose feathers unfold
To carry them far as they fly for the moon
Your safety and comfort are forgotten too soon
As I look to the east and lovingly stare
Your example of being is one that I share 
© Cheryl Mary Coleman, 2017  Expression #159 6.9.17
If you like this poem please feel free to share, as it may just be what someone needs to brighten their day.
If you feel so inclined to leave a comment or feedback, know this I will be extremely grateful, and look forward to connecting with you, thank you.

© Cheryl Mary Coleman 2016-2018, Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cheryl Mary Coleman and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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