
Struggles and strife find all of us somewhere on our journey through life, but it is often during such times that strength stretches us to become more than we thought we were.
I love connecting with people, because firstly, finding myself surrounded by like minded people is so encouraging, supportive and inspiring.  But meeting new people from different walks of life can challenge previous misconceptions and help to change the view of life from their perspective.  This always brings a breath of fresh air to my circle of awareness.
Whatever our differences are, each of us are living our own unique way and that is something I feel is always worth recognising and admiring.


How the sands of time do shift
A lesson, when learned, becomes a gift
Like the ebb and flow of waves
Life moves those who become the brave
To fight and stand for passions held
Within one’s heart where love does meld
Let no man, thought or fearful deed
Keep you from your soul’s true need
For love and laughter, joy and pain
Such feelings are, as vital as rain
And when standing on the summit tall
Your life you’ll know – ‘you gave it all
© Cheryl Mary Coleman, 2018  Expression #205 15.6.18

If you like this poem please feel free to share, as it may just be what someone needs to brighten their day.
If you feel so inclined to leave a comment or feedback, know this I will be extremely grateful, and look forward to connecting with you, thank you.
© Cheryl Mary Coleman 2016-2018, Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cheryl Mary Coleman and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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