
On the morning of Saturday 10th September 2016, as I was still coming to terms with
 the loss of a dear friend my thoughts floated to my homeland of England, where many of my family still live.  The weather in Ellenbrook, Western Australia was very fresh that morning where I was nestled in my favourite chair all rugged up and undercover on the patio.  The contrasting climates of the two homes I hold dear to my heart blended with my rising grief for my friend, and longing to see my family, gave life to the following words.


​​Fire burns away the dross
With cleansing from the permafrost.
Standing naked on the ground
Thoughts of loss become unbound.
Starting as a baby new
Exploring paths as if on cue.
The truth is that we are not lost
We never left we did not cross.
© Cheryl Mary Coleman, 2016  Expression #17 10.9.16 – cherylmarycoleman.com
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