
In my spare time I like to look at and enjoy the work of many great bloggers who are a part of this amazing community.  I was looking at the beautiful work of Alex Markovich, and found I was drawn to one image in particular that he named The Lonely Boat
On his site, Alex invites us to use his images if we wish, and so I decided to save this one with the thought “I may use that one day.”
Well exactly two days later my poetic ramblings started stirring and I found myself playing with an idea.  Once completed when I read the words back I realised that the poem could be read in two ways, each with a slightly different feel.
I believe the moodiness of Alex’s rich image gave rise to buried memories of a past long forgotten relationship, that needed an expression.
Thank you Alex for sharing this beautiful image and I hope that my work does yours justice 💚
I would love to hear your thoughts on which version you prefer.

Adrift #1

Your leaving is a piercing dart
Adrift within I grasp at mist
Pain hammers at my lonely heart
Unruly as a well oiled fist
I fail to fathom how to start
The deal you’ve dealt a nasty twist
If I had just been truly smart 
A blinded pawn in your love tryst
© Cheryl Mary Coleman, 2016-2018  Expression #215 1.8.18

Adrift #2

Your leaving is a piercing dart
Pain hammers at my lonely heart
I fail to fathom how to start
If I had just been truly smart 
Adrift within I grasp at mist
Unruly as a well oiled fist
The deal you’ve dealt a nasty twist
A blinded pawn in your love tryst
© Cheryl Mary Coleman, 2016-2018  Expression #216 1.8.18
If you enjoyed this poem please feel free to share, as it may just be what someone needs to brighten their day.
If you feel so inclined to leave a comment or feedback, I would be extremely grateful, and look forward to connecting with you, thank you
