The Quickening

On the evening of 7th October 2016 as I was sat in the garden, thinking of my husband I was distracted when I  heard our gate, click.  This became the trigger that set in motion my emotions and thoughts of our marriage.  This poem is dedicated to my wonderful husband Roland Alan Coleman and the years we have shared together to date.

The Quickening

The click of the gate alerts me you’re home 
Your travels of late from where you did roam. 
Thoughts of our love begin to soar 
A leap of my heart, as you walk through the door. 
Your eyes reignite the passion once felt 
My heart now feeling, as if it could melt. 
The quickening of love embodied as one 
Returns me to you in a moment, undone. 
© Cheryl Mary Coleman, 2016  Expression #49 7.10.16 

If you like this poem please feel free to share, as it may just be what someone needs to brighten their day.
If you feel so inclined to leave a comment or feedback, know this I will be extremely grateful, and look forward to connecting with you, thank you.
